Saturday, March 28, 2020

7 Workplace Tips For Getting a Promotion

7 Workplace Tips For Getting a Promotion Getting a promotion is often a matter of taking the right strategy. Here are a few workplace tips that will make sure you stay at the top of your game at the office and beyond.Dont flaunt your latenessOkay, so you’re running a few minutes late. No big deal. But if you’re running a few minutes late because you wanted to stop at Starbucks and there was a huge line? Problem. Whatever your reason for swanning in tardy, don’t come in with a cup of freshly purchased coffee in your hand.Watch your email toneYou think you’re being professional, but your client is persnickety. Or even if they aren’t- you just want to double check. Reread your email to yourself out loud in the snarkiest, most sarcastic tone possible. Still pass muster? Send away. But if you noticed any red flags where even you would see yourself getting offended, it might be prudent to rephrase.Coworkers stealing your pens?Be super devious and buy a bunch of red (refillable) pens and a bunch of blue ink cartridge refills. (This only works with a brand that has the same model pen in both colors, but it’s a great cheat.) Then put the blue cartridges in the red pens. No one ever â€Å"borrows† a red pen. You’ll never find yourself at your desk without a pen again!Coworkers asking for money for their kids?You know the drill. â€Å"My kid is selling ____ for ______.† Or worse! â€Å"My kid is raising money for the ________.† Instead of coughing up money to your coworker, give them your phone number and ask that their kids call you themselves, any time after 6pm. You won’t get many phone calls. And the kids that do call will have learned to put in the extra work.Coworkers stealing your milk?Put your milk in a jar or other container you’ve brought from home. No one is going to open up the fridge and take your milk if it isn’t in a recognizable milk container. They won’t know how long it’s been in there, for one, and for two? It could come from a sheep or a human or something- hardly worth the risk. You’ll drink your milk in peace.Pay your  job search forwardAs soon as you get hired at one job, copy and save the job description to a running file you store on your personal computer. When it comes time to update your resume and job search, you’ll be very glad you have it.Strike a poseBefore that big presentation, meeting, or interview, take two minutes in the privacy of the restroom or your car and strike a power pose. Hold that power in your body and your face and then walk in with your head held high. Even if you get nervous, your body will remember how you felt going in.flair:Careers Work

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Photograph essays

Photograph essays To the photograph a person or object from below, distorts that object. It tends to elongate a person, making him seem more important. It also intimidates the audience, since it is in the inferior position of looking up. The scene gives an added power to the person on the screen. Kane is indeed bloated and enlarged by his material possessions, and in comparison, the audience feels very small. Yet it is precisely his excessiveness, which has distorted him and made him grotesque to our sensibilities. Kane is a selfish, greedy man, and his actions have distorted his life and appearance. The movie is a visual masterpiece, a kaleidoscope of daring angles and breathtaking images that had never been attempted before. Toland perfected a deep-focus technique that allowed him to photograph backgrounds with as much clarity as foregrounds. Such as the scene where Kane's parents discuss his future while, as seen through the window, the child plays outside in the snow. There's also an extremely eff ective low-angle shot late in the film where Kane trashes Susan's room. Sound montage is used extensively with the flashback scenes to denote the interval of time within related scenes. A character will begin a sentence and complete it weeks, months, or years later in a different location. On occasion, one character will begin the sentence and another will complete it in the same manner. This sound thread results in a constriction of time and an elimination of transitional periods of rest and calm. Aside from the aesthetic dividends of pacing and high lighting, Citizen Kane's sound montage reinforces the unnatural tension of the central character's driving, joyless ambition. One brilliant use of sound montage, is when Kane and his wife are arguing in a tent surrounded by hundreds of Kane's guests. A shrill scream punctuates the argument with a persistent, sensual rhythm. It is clear that some sexual outrage is being committed. When the parakeet...